

Best Practices

Best practices for start-up hiring

February 16, 2022

Best Practices
Recruitment & Hiring
Best practices for start-up hiring
Here are the top five best practices for start-up hiring that can help you transform your company from a start-up to a growth-stage company.

An organization is only as great as its people. If this statement is true for big companies and organizations, then it is equally true for start-ups. As there are a small number of people working for a start-up, it is essential to understand how they feel, think, experience, and function as it shapes your company culture. Getting the best talent to work for your start-up is easier said than done.  

Here are the top five best practices for start-up hiring that can help you transform your company from a start-up to a growth-stage company.

1. Find people with a positive attitude and a passion for your mission

Myles Hunter, co-founder, and CEO of TutorMe says that hiring the wrong people at the early stages of your start-up can be detrimental to your company and the morale of other employees. He says that start-ups go through a lot of ups and downs, and a person with a positive attitude and belief in the mission of a start-up can work effectively and efficiently.

2. Hiring with flexibility and expertise, partner with a recruitment agency

Do not restrict yourself to full-time office-based jobs only. Keep yourself flexible and hire contractors and remote workers. This helps you manage the cost and expenditure of a start-up, as most of the start-ups have limited resources. This allows you to have savings on office rent, internet, and service payments. Partnering with a recruitment agency or a Professional Employer Organization “PEO” will assure you to find the right talent event if they are not living in the same city or country where your company is based. Their experience and resources will lead your company in the right direction.

3. Be prepared to pay well for top talent

According to Miles Jennings, Founder & COO of Recruiter.com, "the cost of hiring the wrong person is much higher than what it would cost to spend a little more and hire the right person” Be ready to have a budget that includes good salaries, benefits, and other incentives to attract the best talent.

4. Be transparent in your hiring process

Transparency in hiring is critical for selecting the right talent for a start-up, whether you are hiring a remote workforce or a freelancer, says a New York times article. It contributes to establishing the trust between the start-up and the new employee. Therefore, clearly tell the people who you are, what you are doing, how far you have been in your business, what mind you are looking for, what skill sets you to need, and what exactly the employee will do. This assists you in hiring the right person for the right job with the right skills and mindset.

5. Hire a hiring specialist

Hiring the right talent is not an easy thing to do. Therefore, the best practice is to hire a recruiting agency and ask them to hire a person with a certain skill set. They're experts in the hiring process and will select the best ideal and qualified candidate for you. You can also hire a PEO (Professional Employer of Record) company to manage your remote workers, contractors, and distributed teams.

It is undeniable that finding the right talent is critical to a startup’s success and growth. Axented can be a great partner if you need help with all things talent sourcing and workforce management. Talk to one of our Growth Specialists and we’ll start hiring and managing your remote dream team.

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